A Simpler yet Richer Way of Life

A Simpler yet Richer Way of Life

A Simpler yet Richer Way of Life
We live in a time of hacking algorithms, pop-ups, and information flooding our minds everywhere. From the moment we wake up, we are fed messages about how we should look, what we should wear, and what we should buy. Many of us probably spend more time thinking about and following other people’s lives than living and investing in our own.

We are overstimulated and obsessed with productivity. Our eyes and hearts are weary. We interrupt precious moments of life to take a picture and post it, then spend the next hour checking how many likes we’ve received from people we barely know. Every time we have a moment, out comes the phone, and our eyes drop. Each time we do this, we miss opportunities for connection, and the mind has wandered somewhere the body cannot follow. The adventure slips away.

When we dare to imagine – and pursue – our dreams, we are surrounded by so many polished images of success that we lose faith in our own dreams. We might be tempted to believe that happiness lies in money or status. Meanwhile, we are affected by or pressured by others' 'shoulds'.
We need to stop, look around, and decide what really matters to us. Wabi sabi can help us do this, which makes this ancient teaching more relevant than ever.

A New Way to See the World and Our Place in It
We need a new way to see the world and our place in it. We need a new approach to life. We must live with intention and awareness and decide what truly matters to us – so we can move away from the constant yearning for more and better, because we unconsciously let ourselves be influenced by external surroundings and expectations.
We need to start noticing the beauty of nature to lift our spirits and keep us inspired, and we need to start seeing each other and ourselves – authentically.

Wabi Sabi teaches us to be content with less, in a way that feels like more.

In short, wabi sabi gives us permission to be ourselves. It encourages us to do our best, but not make ourselves sick or depressed in the pursuit of others' unattainable goals. It urges us to slow down and enjoy life.

Less things – more soul
Less hustle – more ease
Less mass consumption – more unique creation and gratitude
Less resistance – more resilience
Less control – more surrender
Less head – more heart❤️

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